
Pipe lesson notes…

Our Identity is in Christ

Matthew 19:10-12

Genesis 1:26-27

Matthew 22:36-40  

Introduction: What are the 3– 4 top questions that you are being asked relating to your future?            

Where are you going to college?            What are you going to major in?            What are you going to do when you grow up?            Have you met someone? 

People often define us by what we do! (Doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.)

“I’m not concerned with what I am going to do. I am more interested in who I am becoming. I want to be a lover of God and people.” —Shane Claborn

“Do not worry about your career. Concern yourself with your vocation, and that is to be lovers of Jesus” — Mother Teresa

Tonight we are going to focus on one of those questions! How many of you feel like there is pressure to meet a significant other? Where does this pressure come from? Why? How do you feel when all of your friends are dating and you are not? Have any of you been close to someone and they started dating someone and you rarely saw that person again? Then there is the breakup and the awkward reaquaintance stage that occurs. 

A prime example of an unhealthy balance of relationships. 

Life in the Middle East: Your parents might determine who you would marry! 

What Society and church teach us

Social interaction occurs early in elementary school and on into dating in the teen years. Then we are taught to go off to college and decide what we are going to do for the rest of your lives. There we meet someone to spend the rest of our lives with, get married and then live happily ever after. 

That’s the mold.  

If you do not mold into that summary then it can become awkward. 

Personal examples: Cheryl – Freshman year and senior year                                    

Mom – He is not gay!                        

Credential Board – Do you feel called to a life of being single? 

Log on any website and unfortunately you will find people of all ages desperately searching for a mate. 

 ·        School hallways are full of confused students searching for someone to fulfill their unmet needs. ·        Bars are full of people looking to meet someone.

·        Churches have special ministries for singles.

·        Match.com/ e-harmony are just a couple examples of websites. Matthew 19:10-12 – Some have chosen not to get married for the sake of the kingdom. Paul talks about it also in 1 Corinthians 7.  

It is ok to be single! It is often better to be single for the sake of the kingdom!

Can you imagine what life would have been for many if Mother Teresa would have been married? Don’t get me wrong: I AM NOT OPPOSED TO YOU DATING AND GETTING MARRIED SOMEDAY! Just do not get caught up into a life of going with the flow! Jesus seemed to always go against the flow.   HOW DO YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME ALONE? 

  1. Discover who you are in Christ!
    1. a unique individual who is loved by God.
    2. created in the image of God. Gen 1:26-27
    3. How can I develop the character of Christ?

  1. Develop the whole person!
    1. Physically – what are you doing to be your best. Exercising gives you more energy & your mind works better.
    2. Socially – Develop your social skills. Learn to ask questions, interact and learn from others in a social setting.
    3. Emotionally – Learn enough about yourself that you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Know when to pull away and when to give your best to others.
    4. Mentally – Feed your mind as often as you feed your body.
    5. Spiritually – Learn to view life through eyes of faith.

Conclusion: The majority of you will commit to someone else someday, don’t you think that you should give that person your best!!! The habits that you are developing now are instrumental in determining if you will give someone you’re best. Give all of your relationships your very best            friendships          parental          dating           future relationships SEEKING OUT YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST!  Discover the mysteries, adventure, ups and downs of a faith filled life with Christ.   Matthew 22:36-40 – Two Greatest Commandments! “Love is to reveal the beauty of another to themselves” Become a lover of God.Become a lover of people. “I am learning that my love for God is determined by my love for others”.  

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January 2008